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AI Tools catalog


101 tools found


Beepbooply is an AI-powered text-to-speech platform that generates natural and realistic speech patterns using cutting-edge AI voices from Google, Amazon, and other providers


Ayfie AI Personal Assistant is a powerful tool that provides knowledge and understanding to help organizations and individuals excel, with over 15 years of experience in handling corporate data and a proven track record of success in various industries.

Legal Assistants
Legalese Decoder

Legalese Decoder is a web application that uses AI, natural language processing, and machine learning to analyze legal documents and provide a plain language version, empowering individuals to understand and navigate complex legal jargon.

IPlan AI is an AI-based travel planner that creates unique itineraries tailored to individual preferences, saving time and offering personalized, efficient, and stress-free travel planning experiences.


TELUS International provides high-quality AI training data at scale, with human intelligence, handling text, images, audio, video, and geo data types across 500+ languages

Developer Tools
GPUX AI is a platform that provides the right fit for machine learning workloads and allows users to sell requests on their private model to other organizations.

Life Assistants
AI Cards

Designstripe's AI Holiday Cards is a tool that enables users to create custom holiday cards featuring designs inspired by Artificial Intelligence (AI), allowing for unique and interactive card customization.

Website Builders

Hocoos is an AI website builder that allows users to create a business-ready website in just a few minutes by answering 8 quick questions, offering designer-made layouts, SEO and email marketing tools, and a powerful e-commerce platform

RetouchMe offers professional photo retouching with quick results in just one click, receiving positive feedback for its precision and detailed perfection.
