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AI Tools catalog


68 tools found


Medgic is a platform that offers skin problem scanning, analysis, and detection services in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Hindi.

Social Networks
Affable AI is a SaaS-based influencer management platform that provides a complete profile analysis of social media influencers, offering features such as influencer search, content search, outreach, campaigns, reporting, and integration with various platforms

Social Networks
Engage X

EngageX is an innovative tool by designed to identify tweets relevant to your brand, auto-respond to them, and boost your brand's visibility on Twitter, helping to build a loyal and engaged audience, with plans starting at $69

Content Creation

WriterZen is a proficient SEO content workflow software with powerful keyword research, topic discovery, content creation features, and AI functionality, used by over 50,000 users and offering 70+ AI templates for various use cases, with pricing starting at $23 per month for annual plans and no hidden fees or contract obligations

Content Creation
Sassbook AI Writer

Sassbook offers an AI Writer that serves as a versatile text generator, capable of creating automatic text summaries, original story content, and more.

DataSquirrel AI is a platform designed to help anyone analyze data faster, addressing the challenges of working with data files and creating presentations.

Search Engine

Everypixel is a stock image search engine powered by AI, offering free and paid options for users to find and use images for various purposes, such as morning greetings or business meetings


Datature is a platform that offers AI vision solutions, including developing training datasets, managing large datasets with version controls, customizing labeling workflows, and ensuring data security and privacy

Website Builders is a free visual sitemap generator that uses artificial intelligence to create the visual structure of a website, which serves as an important starting point for further development.
