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AI Tools catalog


33 tools found


Datumo is a platform that focuses on maintaining the quality of CRM data by cleaning, updating, and enriching customer information, and also provides Big Data consulting and cloud migration services.

Voxwave AI

Voxwave AI offers a platform for sending personalized voice emails to leads at various stages, aiming to increase call bookings and sales by leveraging the human touch of voice messages.

No Code

Tiledesk is a platform for conversational automation, trusted by over 1000 global brands, offering chatbot building, AI integration, and personalized product showcasing.

Synthesizer V

Dreamtonics' Synthesizer V is a groundbreaking music production tool that combines AI research, signal processing, and a passion for music to create a pioneering synthesizer that replicates the nuances of the human singing voice without limiting your vocabulary, allowing you to bring your ideas to life with ease and creativity.

Art Generator

NeutronField is a platform founded in 2022 that enables artists and designers to share and monetize their AI art through AI text-to-image prompts, aiming to democratize AI art and empower creators


Cre8tiveAI is a service that utilizes state-of-the-art AI technology, specifically Deep Learning, to provide unique features for photo, illustration, and video editing, with a focus on user-friendly design and accessibility

Art Generator

Wepik heavily relies on artificial intelligence (AI) technology to enhance its search capabilities, allowing users to quickly find what they need on the platform.

Web Scraping

MrScraper AI is a powerful web scraping tool that automates the process of extracting data from websites, handling proxies, and navigating through paginated pages, all without manual intervention

Assistant Code

Safurai is an AI-powered coding tool that helps developers write code faster and more efficiently, offering features like code generation, unit tests, and bug detection
