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AI Tools catalog


107 tools found

Scispace, also known as SciSpace, is a research platform and writing tool that helps researchers, students, and professionals manage, format, and collaborate on research papers and thesis documents, providing simple explanations and answers from AI for better understanding of scientific information

Blend AI Studio

Delete BG is a website that offers a free image background removal tool that can remove the background from any image in three simple steps.

Social Networks
Scrip AI

Scrip AI is a free AI writer that offers tools for generating video scripts for Instagram reels, TikTok videos, and YouTube shorts, as well as other AI-powered writing tools.


Analogenie is an AI-powered tool that generates analogies to add spark to your content and help you explain complex concepts to your readers.

Content Creation

useCarl is an AI assistant for creators that repurposes content to suit each platform, helping to create a passionate and interactive community of followers and reach a relevant and quality audience of potential customers, partners, and recruiters

Futurepedia is a website that offers a comprehensive list of AI tools and software, with over 5 million professionals having learned how to leverage AI using the platform.

WatermarkRemover IO is an AI-powered online tool that removes watermarks from images and videos for free, with an enterprise plan available for personalized quotes, demos, and 24/7 email support, and it can be accessed on multiple platforms like Windows, Mac, and Android.


Bugasura is an AI-powered bug tracking tool designed for fast-moving, modern technology teams, allowing users to report, track, and manage issues easily, collaborate with teams, vendors, and customers, and close bugs faster

Machine Learning

StackML is a machine learning platform that offers a simple GUI tool for non-AI users to access a wide range of machine learning models and features, such as face detection, image classification, and pose estimation, all within the browser
