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AI Tools catalog


192 tools found

Artificial Intelligence
Molin AI

Molin AI is an advanced AI language model that solves complex problems and provides more accurate answers than any AI chatbot on the market, integrates into all of the e-commerce platforms and any other types of websites, and can detect and resolve issues in 95 languages.

Rotor Videos

Rotor Videos is an online platform that offers musicians easy-to-use tools to create high-quality music videos with stock footage, audio-reactive visual effects, and professional editing styles.

Legal Assistants

ContractPodAi is a leading contract lifecycle management platform that offers AI-driven solutions, supports over 60 languages, and reduces negotiation time by an average of one hour per contract

ChatGPT Extensions

SummerEyes is an AI-powered productivity tool that provides condensed summaries of text on the internet, helping users process more information quickly and efficiently


PicFinder.AI is an AI-powered image generation tool that allows users to create high-quality images quickly and easily by experimenting with prompts, keywords, formats, and models.

Flawless AI

Flawless AI is a filmmaking tool that uses DeepEditor to create new dialogue and avoid the costs of physically filmed reshoots, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into film production, localization, and distribution workflows.

Taia Translations

Taia is an AI-powered translation service that combines the reliability and expertise of a translation agency with the affordability and almost instant response time of an online translation tool, offering tailor-made pricing and a client feedback process to better understand customer satisfaction.


SchoolAI is an AI-powered writing tool designed to enhance productivity and creativity in educational settings.

Media & Entertainment

IMAGINaiTION is a platform focused on integrating AI into parenting, offering AI-generated stories for children and conducting research to understand and address parents' needs.
