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AI Tools catalog


11 tools found

MagicAI by Spike

Spike's Magic AI is an AI-powered workflow assistant designed to speed up workflows, save time, and enhance productivity by streamlining tasks, creating polished emails and messages, generating seamless responses, and summarizing communication. It is available with all Spike plans and can be used to write in different languages.

3D model
Swapp is a UK-based startup that uses AI to generate construction documents, automating detail design work and producing drawings faster than traditional methods


Datagen is a platform that specializes in generating synthetic data for computer vision applications.

Madgicx for Facebook Ads

Madgicx is a comprehensive advertising platform designed to optimize Facebook and other digital ad campaigns, offering AI optimization, real-time analytics, and time-saving tools for media buyers, as well as first-party data tracking and ROAS monitoring.

Media & Entertainment

Albert is an AI-powered marketing platform that aims to empower marketers with tools to help with some of their tasks and free them to focus on more creative work.


Datarails is an AI-powered financial planning and analysis platform for Excel users that allows them to automate repetitive processes, consolidate data from various sources, and provide actionable insights through built-in visualization tools.

HourOne AI

Hour One is an AI-powered video generator that allows users to create professional videos with virtual human presenters or custom characters using a simple code or API integration.


Imagen is a personalized photo editing assistant that uses AI to create a consistent starting point across an entire collection of images.

No Code

Robovision is a computer vision AI platform that allows users to develop and maintain AI-based vision applications autonomously, covering the full AI life cycle from development to implementation to scaling out, and enabling data upload from local computer storage, cloud storage or Robovision Edge.
