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AI Tools catalog


76 tools found


Dewstack is an online documentation platform that allows users to host their content on their own domain or a free Dewstack sub-domain, with options for public, private, or password-protected access, and offers various pricing plans with different features and customization options

Quant Matter

Quant Matter is a global quant trading company that welcomes passionate candidates and offers job opportunities in the field of trading.

Websites & Design
Locofy is a tool that converts designs into production-ready code for mobile and web applications, helping builders launch products 5-10 times faster and offering a plugin for Figma and Adobe XD


LoopCV is a job search automation platform that helps users land jobs by automating the application process, allowing for mass applications, auto-emailing recruiters, and providing statistics to optimize job searches

Customer Support

HelpLook is a product developed by Guangzhou Weipai Information Technology Co., Ltd., a company focused on standard SaaS development, which allows for the rapid creation of product help centers, knowledge bases, and official blogs, featuring an easy-to-use editing management backend and integrated ChatGPT AI search functionality

Finbots AI is a Singapore-based company founded by a team of former C-Suites, data scientists, and technologists, offering an AI-powered credit risk platform called creditX, which enables rapid development of high-accuracy credit scorecards and has been endorsed by various bank CEOs for its transformative and efficient solutions.

Social Networks
Affable AI is a SaaS-based influencer management platform that provides a complete profile analysis of social media influencers, offering features such as influencer search, content search, outreach, campaigns, reporting, and integration with various platforms

Moda AI

Moda is an AI-powered eCommerce growth platform that offers a range of tools and features to help businesses optimize their online presence and increase customer satisfaction


WhatTheAI is the largest free AI tools directory, featuring accurate Excel/Google Sheets formulas, VBA/Apps Script code, and a regex generator, among other tools
