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AI Tools catalog


113 tools found

Human Resources
CareerDekho AI is an AI-driven career discovery tool that helps job seekers and employers find the perfect career fit with personalized advice from AI, and it has already been used by over 26,000 people.

Social Networks

TweetEmote is an AI-powered tweet assistant that helps users express their thoughts and feelings in tweets with the right words, analyzing the text input and proposing the most appropriate emotion to use in the tweet.

Artificial Intelligence
Cognify Studio

Cognify AI Studio is a mobile app and web tool that uses AI to transform photos into professional designs, offering unique backgrounds, lighting, and compositions, and is cost-effective compared to hiring professional designers and photographers

Artificial Intelligence
Questgen AI

Questgen is an AI-powered quiz generator that supports high-volume quiz generation of up to 150 quizzes from 100,000 words in 1-click, providing an authoring tool to generate various kinds of assessments like Multiple Choice Questions, True/False Questions, Fill-in-the-blanks, and Higher-Order Questions, saving significant time for users and trusted by over 80,000 users

For Fun

YaatriAI by AasPass InfoTech is an AI-powered travel planning platform that helps users plan their trips from various locations and age groups, offering intelligent chatbots and automation tools to enhance customer engagement and support

Assistant Code
CodeMate AI

CodeMate is a platform that offers a Visual Studio Code extension to assist with coding, providing features, pricing information, and a contact option.


CopyMonkey is an AI-powered tool that helps users create optimized Amazon listings by generating keyword-optimized bullet points and descriptions, ensuring that sellers don't miss out on important keywords that customers are searching for

Startup Pitch Generator

Tally is a free online form builder that simplifies the process of creating forms for various purposes, such as surveys, quizzes, and lead generation forms.

Slideoo AI is an AI-powered SaaS platform for creating quick and professional presentations.
