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AI Tools catalog


198 tools found

Poly ai

PolyAI offers conversational AI solutions for various industries, including banking, healthcare, travel, and hospitality, with voice assistants that can be customized and deployed in multiple languages, providing real-time insights and resolving calls in heavy use cases


EBI.AI is a platform that offers AI assistant services to help businesses automate customer enquiries, personalize customer journeys, and increase loyalty while saving costs.

Developer Tools
Bloop AI is a fast code search engine that helps developers understand and navigate their codebases more efficiently by providing natural language search capabilities and semantic code analysis

Fabrie AI

Fabrie is an online collaboration platform for designers, offering tools and resources to enhance productivity and creativity.

Human Resources

Beamery is a talent lifecycle management platform that has delivered a 467% ROI for its customers, reduced recruiting costs by 20%, and improved the quality of hire and candidate experience.

Background Changer AI

ZMO's AI Background Changer is an online tool that uses cutting-edge AI to remove and replace backgrounds in photos, making it perfect for profile photos, product photography, and more.

For Fun
Robotalk is a cutting-edge AI-powered communication platform that enables seamless conversations between humans and robots, offering a smart and powerful chatbot technology to revolutionize the way we learn and converse online.

Legal Assistants

Apperio is a technology platform that aims to enhance collaboration and efficiency within the global legal industry by providing transparency and insights into legal spending.

ReviewScout AI is an all-in-one solution for Amazon sellers that offers personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and AI-driven research capabilities to help sellers master their inventory and restocking demands, maximize their advertising efforts, and uncover hidden market opportunities.
