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AI Tools catalog


103 tools found

Legal Assistants

Spellbook is an AI-powered tool that uses GPT-4 and other large language models to review and suggest terms for contracts, integrated with Microsoft Word, and is strictly available for legal professionals today.


InfraNodus is an AI-powered text network visualization tool that represents text as a network, identifies structural gaps, and generates research questions to bridge those gaps, with applications in scientific research, SEO, network analysis, mind map generation, and real-time data analysis.


PolitePost is a platform that uses AI to rewrite and refine emails, making them more professional and suitable for the workplace.

Website Builders

Hocoos is an AI website builder that allows users to create a business-ready website in just a few minutes by answering 8 quick questions, offering designer-made layouts, SEO and email marketing tools, and a powerful e-commerce platform


Mayday is an AI-assisted calendar, task manager, and scheduling assistant for Mac, iOS, and iPad, designed to help users organize, protect, and manage their day by combining scheduling preferences and patterns with best practices around productivity

Unicorn Platform

Unicorn Platform is a user-friendly AI website builder that offers a 100% free landing page maker, allowing non-technical users to create professional websites and landing pages in minutes with drag-and-drop functionality and no coding required


AIHelperBot is an AI-powered tool that helps users generate SQL queries quickly and easily, without requiring prior knowledge of SQL

Legal Assistants

Blue J L&E is an AI-powered platform that allows legal and employment professionals to efficiently research and predict outcomes based on factors and outcomes, enabling informed decision-making and planning

Life Assistants
AI Cards

Designstripe's AI Holiday Cards is a tool that enables users to create custom holiday cards featuring designs inspired by Artificial Intelligence (AI), allowing for unique and interactive card customization.
