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AI Tools catalog


90 tools found

Type Studio

Type Studio is a free online tool that allows users to add and edit subtitles in videos, and it also provides features for translating and transcribing content.


STRATxAI is a company that offers cutting-edge AI-driven portfolios to empower businesses with seamless white-label investing solutions, aiming to enhance customer retention and drive revenue growth.


LAION is a non-profit organization that provides datasets, tools, and models for machine learning research, including LAION-400M and LAION-5B, which are open datasets containing 400 million and 5.85 billion image-text pairs, respectively.

Human Resources
Cover Letter AI

Cover Letter AI is a platform that uses AI to generate personalized cover letters based on user-set parameters and information from their CV, making the process of writing cover letters much easier and more efficient

Amazing AI

Sindre Sorhus is a full-time open-sourcerer and aspiring rebel who is known for his work on various apps and code projects.

Collato AI

Collato is an AI assistant for product teams that aims to solve real user problems and is described as a product sorely needed for knowledge repositories

Open Assistant

Open Assistant is a project organized by LAION and individuals around the world, aiming to provide a free, community-driven, open-source chatbot alternative to ChatGPT, with the code and models licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and the training data released under CC BY 4.0, and it is intended to run on consumer hardware

AI Photo

AI Photo is a user-friendly text-to-image generator app that creates photos and artworks, all offline, based on your image description, optimized for Apple silicon chips (M1 and M2), and developed by IXEAU.


Acrolinx is an editorial management system that uses AI to assist writers, ensuring content is aligned with brand voice and style guidelines, increasing efficiency, and reducing risk
