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AI Tools catalog


74 tools found

Chaindesk AI is a platform that allows businesses to create personalized chatbots using advanced AI technologies, providing efficient customer support and streamlining operations

Speech To Text

Vocapia is a leading provider of speech-to-text software and services, offering solutions for broadcast monitoring, lecture and seminar transcription, video subtitling, and conference call transcription

Eden AI

Eden AI is a platform that provides a unique API connected to the best AI engines, offering access to many generative AI APIs, machine translation engines, text analysis and NLP engines, and image analysis technologies.

Image is a platform with 21+ color filters where users can upload their photos, choose a unique filter, and see their images in realistic and vibrant colors.

Scribens is a popular French language tool, with over 58 million visitors in 2022, offering a free spelling and grammar checker for high-quality, error-free documents, and a premium version with additional features and integrations for professionals and individuals

Storytelling Generator
Novel is a website that provides a dedicated and powerful toolset for professionals to tell their story.

Job posting generator by AI

Seeqle offers an AI-powered job offer template generator that creates personalized and attractive job offers, highlighting company culture, job missions, and required profiles to attract the best candidates

Mark Copy AI

MarkCopy AI is an all-in-one content creation tool that uses AI and human teamwork to generate SEO-optimized content, including social media posts, e-commerce product descriptions, and landing pages, with plagiarism checks and more than 40 templates available.

Sharly AI

Sharly AI is an advanced tool that uses AI to summarize content from various formats, making it ideal for professionals dealing with lengthy documents and audio recordings, enhancing efficiency and productivity
