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AI Tools catalog


20 tools found

Storytelling Generator
Novel is a website that provides a dedicated and powerful toolset for professionals to tell their story.

Fast AI Essay Writer

FastEssay is an AI essay writing app that helps users write essays, reference scientific materials, and organize their documents.

Human Resources

Chadview is a AI-powered service that listens to your Zoom, Google Meet, and Teams calls in real-time, providing instant answers to any questions you may have during the call


Prodigy is an annotation tool for AI, machine learning, and NLP, allowing data scientists to efficiently annotate data and train production-quality models with very few examples, enabling a more agile approach to data collection and faster project completion

3D model

Cascadeur is a software for creating character animation using an AI-assisted keyframe animation approach, allowing for expressive and realistic animations for movies and video games


RAVATAR offers AI avatars that move and behave like real humans, providing valuable assets for businesses and personal assistance in households.

Human Resources
Qureos Resume Builder

Qureos offers a free online resume builder designed to help job seekers create a winning resume that showcases their work, personality, and skills, based on feedback from 1,000+ users, recruiter expertise, and hiring best practices.

Gift Ideas

The Almowafir Gift Hunter is an AI-powered tool that provides personalized gift recommendations based on various input criteria, helping users find the perfect gift and save money through exclusive coupons and discounts

Assistant Code
Codesquire AI is an AI code writing assistant for data scientists, engineers, and analysts, offering code completions and suggestions as you type
