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AI Tools catalog


88 tools found


Visus AI is an AI tool that allows you to train a ChatGPT AI on your documents and knowledge base, providing instant, accurate responses based on your training material, and it can be used to improve customer service, reduce costs, generate leads, improve marketing, and gather feedback.

3D model

Cascadeur is a software for creating character animation using an AI-assisted keyframe animation approach, allowing for expressive and realistic animations for movies and video games

Developer Tools
Databorg AI

DataBorg is an all-in-one knowledge management suite that empowers companies to leverage their data with intelligent solutions, providing high-quality tools to overcome challenges with poor data quality and unlock their full potential for success through AI tools and data-driven insights


Courseau is a platform that aims to unleash the educational potential of various content, allowing the transformation of complex items such as YouTube videos and scientific articles.


Gnod is a project that aims to use the latest technological advances to help users discover new things they might like, with over 300,000 monthly users.

Files & Spreadsheets

Rows is a spreadsheet software with built-in integrations from business apps, allowing users to automate workflows and build tools that make work simpler, while complying with German and European data protection law.


tl;dv is an AI-powered meeting recorder for Zoom and Google Meet, allowing users to summarize key moments during meetings with a simple click or short-cut, making it easier to stay focused on conversations

Human Resources
Cover Letter AI

Cover Letter AI is a platform that uses AI to generate personalized cover letters based on user-set parameters and information from their CV, making the process of writing cover letters much easier and more efficient

Voice Reading

Coqui is a platform that offers AI voice cloning, allowing users to clone their voice using seconds of audio and fine-tune it with minutes, or choose from available AI voices.
