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AI Tools catalog


1129 tools found

Ai Detection
Be My Eyes

Be My Eyes is a platform that connects people with visual impairments to volunteers who can help them navigate the world together.

Praktika ai

Praktika is an immersive language learning app that uses generative AI Avatars to provide personalized learning paths, real-time feedback, and interactive experience to help users improve their language skills.

Gpt Vetting AI

Gpt-vetting is an AI-powered technical test that quickly and accurately screens any type of talent, providing employers with a comprehensive view by offering more data, including an AI-generated report based on all responses, as well as a transcript, and a 'trust score' based on an active proctoring algorithm.

Productivity is an AI-powered platform for interior design, offering tools to create various design styles and color schemes, aiming to optimize the interior design process

Developer Tools
Leap ML

TryLeap AI is a platform that allows users to create powerful AI workflows in minutes, enabling them to transcribe, summarize, and extract insights from various sources, as well as automate SEO processes and generate avatars and assets

Akadimia AI

The search results do not provide a clear and concise answer to the question about general information on

Human Resources
Cody is an AI-powered chatbot platform that allows users to interact with chatbots by asking questions on the chat screen, receive accurate and relevant answers, and customize the chatbot for different uses


Consensus is an AI-powered search engine that allows users to search through over 200 million scientific papers, using AI to find insights and provide science-based answers efficiently and responsibly

Machine Learning
Functime AI is a time-series machine learning platform that provides a tutorial, evaluation procedure, and API reference to guide users through their first end-to-end forecasting pipeline.
