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AI Tools catalog


61 tools found

Lasso Moderation

Lasso Moderation is a platform that offers powerful content moderation tools, including AI-based text, image, and video moderation, as well as an advanced dashboard for efficient and effective moderation.

Trade Foresight

Trade Foresight is a global trade platform that provides businesses with insights, information, and tools necessary to succeed in international trade, including personalized dashboards, global trade analytics, and a trader's lounge.

Storytelling Generator

Oscar Stories is an app that generates personalized bedtime stories for children, featuring them as the main characters and embedding important life lessons into the stories.

Assistant Code
Codesquire AI is an AI code writing assistant for data scientists, engineers, and analysts, offering code completions and suggestions as you type

Seo Review Tools

SEO Review Tools is a website offering a variety of free SEO tools, including a Domain Authority checker, Keyword Density checker, and an AI-powered SEO Content Editor.

Human Resources

Talmundo is a platform that offers intuitive reporting dashboards and solutions for exceptional employee onboarding, aiming to improve new hire experiences and provide valuable support to organizations.

No Code

Procys is an AI-powered document processing app that aims to automate routine work and streamline business processes.


GravityWrite is an AI-powered writing tool that helps users easily create high-quality content for various purposes such as ads, emails, and social media, offering smart suggestions to improve word choices and sentence structure

Social Networks is an AI-powered tool that generates a 30-day social media content calendar with tailored visuals, captions, and hashtags, aiming to streamline and optimize social media content creation for businesses and individuals
