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AI Tools catalog


35 tools found

SpaceLogo is an AI-powered logo generator that offers a wide range of customization options, including font styles, color schemes, and iconography, and users can download their logo in multiple formats.


Vidby is a Switzerland-based company that offers fast and automated video translation and dubbing services in over 50 languages, using AI technology to help businesses and content creators reach a wider audience and attract customers

Legal Assistants
Cortical is a company that delivers AI-based Natural Language Understanding (NLU) solutions which are quicker and more effective in searching, extracting, annotating, and analyzing key information from any kind of unstructured text, and its solutions have been implemented at multiple Fortune 500 businesses.

Art Generator
MyPrint AI is an AI tool that generates unique artworks from personal photos, allowing users to create and print beautiful artworks with ease and stunning quality.

Life Assistants

PiktID's EraseID AI face anonymizer is a tool that generates fresh identities from images, allowing for privacy protection and commercial use without exposing biometric data.

Jenny AI

Jenni AI is a powerful research assistant and content generator that helps users write more efficiently and effectively, offering features like AI Autocomplete, in-text citations, paraphrasing capabilities, and customization options


Typewise is an AI Communication Assistant that can significantly increase customer service and sales productivity, saving time and cost through features like text prediction, auto-completion, and magic reply, with a 3-4X return on investment

Social Networks

FeedHive is an AI-powered platform that allows users to create, schedule, publish, and manage social media content at scale, offering features such as visual planning, post engagement insights, and AI assistance for post performance prediction and content improvement

Web Scraping

MrScraper AI is a powerful web scraping tool that automates the process of extracting data from websites, handling proxies, and navigating through paginated pages, all without manual intervention
