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AI Tools catalog


77 tools found

HourOne AI

Hour One is an AI-powered video generator that allows users to create professional videos with virtual human presenters or custom characters using a simple code or API integration.

Lalal AI

LALAL.AI is a website that offers a Vocal Remover and Instrumental AI Splitter tool, and users can register or log in to their account via email, Google, or Facebook.

Storytelling Generator
StoryWizard is an AI-powered platform that allows users to create personalized educational experiences and stories, making it especially beneficial for students, including those with special needs.


HoopsAI is a platform that provides AI-generated forecasts and content for investment and business decisions, as well as terms of use for its services.


D-ID is an AI company that offers a Natural User Interface (NUI) aimed at revolutionizing how people interact with anything digital leveraging the power of AI, and also provides a tool called Creative Reality Studio for making AI avatars.

Legal Assistants

LawGeex's Contract Review Automation (CRA) technology harnesses the power of AI to help in-house legal teams automate the contract review process, reducing risk and accelerating the speed of deals, with a focus on routine, high volume, low-to-medium complexity agreements such as NDAs, SLAs, SOWs, framework agreements, and supply agreements

3D model is a company that specializes in AI-powered 3D model generation, offering solutions for both individual self-expression and business use cases where mass generation of 3D models is required

Website Builders

Webullar is an AI-powered website builder that helps small businesses create a fully automated online presence in seconds by generating a website and social media posts in just 30 seconds using a simple sentence about the business.

Storytelling Generator

Oscar Stories is an app that generates personalized bedtime stories for children, featuring them as the main characters and embedding important life lessons into the stories.
