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AI Tools catalog


1157 tools found

Findem AI is an AI talent acquisition and management platform that provides data-driven talent acquisition, recruiting automation, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) efforts, helping organizations make smarter and more efficient hiring decisions

Seventh Sense

The Seventh Sense is a company that provides email send time optimization for HubSpot and Marketo, aiming to help email marketers improve engagement and deliverability by understanding user engagement and email content impact on deliverability

Life Assistants

Ferret is a relationship intelligence platform that uses AI and global data to provide curated insights, helping users avoid high-risk individuals and identify promising opportunities in their personal and professional networks.

Magic Reach is a platform that uses AI to personalize emails by aggregating and organizing data from over 20 sources, such as LinkedIn, news, job openings, activity, and more, and generating icebreakers based on relevant data.

Ai Useful

Explain Like I'm Five (ELI5) is a website that uses AI to simplify complex topics and explain them in a fun and engaging way, allowing users to select a specific topic and choose how dumbed-down they want the explanation to be, ranging from "really dumb" to "really smart".


Speakable is an AI-powered tool for language teachers that allows them to create custom speaking assignments for their students in over 100 languages, eliminating the hassle of grading hours of recordings

For Fun

Travelities is an AI travel planner that helps users plan their trips and itineraries, offering features such as activity recommendations and travel guides.

Content Creation
Writerly AI is an AI software cloud for business that offers a workspace for individuals and small teams wanting unlimited access to conversational AI workspace along with curated templates, collaboration tools, and custom AI models.

Art Generator
DiagramGPTby Eraser

DiagramGPT is a tool created by Eraser, a whiteboard for engineering teams, that leverages OpenAI's GPT-4 to generate flow charts, entity relationship diagrams, cloud architecture diagrams, and sequence diagrams.
