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AI Tools catalog


83 tools found

Text Cortex

TextCortex is an AI-powered creative partner that revolutionizes the creative process by offering a customizable, cross-device platform with advanced writing and research capabilities in 25+ languages, reducing writing time by over 50%

Open Assistant

Open Assistant is a project organized by LAION and individuals around the world, aiming to provide a free, community-driven, open-source chatbot alternative to ChatGPT, with the code and models licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and the training data released under CC BY 4.0, and it is intended to run on consumer hardware

Collato AI

Collato is an AI assistant for product teams that aims to solve real user problems and is described as a product sorely needed for knowledge repositories

Ai Useful

DeepL is a highly accurate translator that helps users fix grammar and punctuation mistakes, rephrase sentences, express nuances, and find their perfect tone of voice


iTranslate is a language translation and communication app that allows users to translate text, websites, and start voice conversations in over 100 languages, with offline mode available in four languages, and prioritizes user privacy and data protection.

AI Writer is a platform that uses AI to generate unique and informative articles, providing a list of citations and sources for verification, and it is praised for its ability to help increase website traffic and improve search engine rankings


Courseau is a platform that aims to unleash the educational potential of various content, allowing the transformation of complex items such as YouTube videos and scientific articles.


MARA Solutions is an AI review response generator that helps businesses, including hotels, efficiently and effectively respond to online reviews, both positive and negative, to manage their online reputation and engage with customers

Storytelling Generator

Oscar Stories is an app that generates personalized bedtime stories for children, featuring them as the main characters and embedding important life lessons into the stories.
