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AI Tools catalog


1235 tools found

Legal Assistants
AI Lawyer

AI Lawyer is a platform that provides legal assistance through AI, offering features such as legal research, document handling, and personalized services for consumers and legal professionals in various countries and languages.

Text To Speech

Create AI Voiceovers is an online generator that allows users to create instant realistic voices for various purposes, such as content writing, education, and business communication

Daft Art

Daft Art is an AI-powered platform that helps users create visually appealing album covers in a matter of minutes, using a simple visual editor and curated aesthetics

Deep AI

The Text2Img AI Image Generator creates unique images from text descriptions, using AI to understand and convert words into visuals

No Code

Durable is an AI-powered website builder and small business software that helps businesses grow their online presence, manage customers, and automate tasks with its AI Assistant

Wallet AI

Wallet.AI is a San Francisco-based company founded in 2012 that builds intelligent engines to analyze data and help users make better daily financial decisions.

Linus Health

Linus Health is a company that offers standardized administration, automated scoring, multi-language support, integrated clinical decision support, and personalized patient action plans, with a focus on digital assessments and brain health.


Crystal is a personality data platform that provides DISC personality profiles for buyers, trusted by over 1,000 organizations globally, and offers tips for effective communication with different personality types.

Remail AI is a Gmail and Outlook extension that uses AI to draft high-quality emails in seconds for any language, allowing users to compose replies in seconds, not minutes, and eliminating writer's block by generating multiple options for quick selection
