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AI Tools catalog


28 tools found

Assistant Code
Codesquire AI is an AI code writing assistant for data scientists, engineers, and analysts, offering code completions and suggestions as you type


Copilot2trip is a free AI-powered personal travel assistant that offers instant itineraries, real-time re-planning, and adaptive travel experiences, aiming to simplify and enhance the travel planning process

3D model

Cascadeur is a software for creating character animation using an AI-assisted keyframe animation approach, allowing for expressive and realistic animations for movies and video games

Storytelling Generator

Oscar Stories is an app that generates personalized bedtime stories for children, featuring them as the main characters and embedding important life lessons into the stories.

No Code

Cogniflow is a no-code AI platform that allows users to create and use AI models for text, audio, or images without any coding or AI experience required, and it can be integrated into any workflow to boost productivity.


Prequel is a photo and video editor app that offers aesthetic effects, filters, and advanced editing tools, available on the App Store and Google Play, with a subscription option for additional features

Text Generators
Samwell is an AI-powered tool for writing essays and research papers, offering features such as audio summaries, plagiarism-free content, in-text citations, and related videos, with different pricing packages based on word count limits


Katteb is an AI-powered writing software that utilizes rigorous fact-checking techniques to deliver you content of the highest credibility, ensuring to provide you with reliable information supported by credible sources and in-text citations.

Human Resources

Chadview is a AI-powered service that listens to your Zoom, Google Meet, and Teams calls in real-time, providing instant answers to any questions you may have during the call
