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AI Tools catalog


28 tools found

No Code
Landbot Bricks is an AI chatbot generator that allows marketing, sales, and customer service teams to turn conversational experiences into revenue-driving outcomes with no coding required.


AI-Adventures is a personalized travel planning assistant that utilizes ChatGPT for an enhanced user experience.

Keytrends AI

KeyTrends is a content marketing tool that simplifies and unifies all phases of your content strategy, allowing you to monitor the real-time evolution of search trends to optimize your content in just a few minutes, and it also offers data-driven AI to create AI content for people.

StoryBeat AI

Storybeat is an all-in-one image editing app that offers fresh templates and filters, making it easy to create professional-looking content quickly and efficiently

Developer Tools

Nuclia is an API that allows developers to build AI-powered search engines in minutes, with features such as data processing, search, and indexing, and it is used by universities and companies to solve discoverability problems and comply with legal regulations.

Pitch Avatar

Pitch Avatar is an AI-powered platform that generates personalized content, simplifies presentation delivery, and engages listeners, making it an ideal tool for virtual salespeople, marketers, recruiters, and investors.

AI Reviews

EmbedSocial's AI Reviews feature is a ground-breaking widget that uses artificial intelligence to summarize and generate reviews, helping businesses showcase and manage customer feedback more effectively


Vizologi is an AI-powered innovation management software that generates limitless business ideas, gains insights on markets and competitors, and automates business plan creation.


Auphonic is an all-in-one audio post-production web tool that allows users to achieve professional quality results, with features such as automatic speech recognition, shownotes, and chapters, and can be used for free for up to 2 hours of audio each month.
