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AI Tools catalog


54 tools found


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AI Magic Writer

BIGVU AI Magic Writer is an award-winning AI scriptwriter that supports video content creation from start to end, allowing users to generate video scripts in seconds, record and edit videos, and store scripts and documents on the desktop.

Voice Reading

Descript is an all-in-one platform for easy video and podcast editing, offering features such as AI-generated YouTube descriptions, podcast show notes, and audio correction using AI voice generation.


Mathway is an online math problem solver that allows users to input and solve mathematical problems across various topics.

Fathom 2.0

Fathom is a free app that records, transcribes, highlights, and summarizes Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams calls, allowing users to focus on the conversation and integrate with various platforms


Coginiti AI Advisor is a tool that simplifies SQL development, accelerates the creation of data and analytic products, and empowers data professionals to write, understand, and optimize SQL through responsible generative AI capabilities, providing instant query assistance and on-demand learning resources


ELSA Speak is an English pronunciation coach and learning app with personalized lessons, instant feedback, and detailed speech analysis, helping users improve their English skills effectively and efficiently. It has been rated as the #1 Education App on Product Hunt and has over 25 million users from 101 countries

Human Resources
Teal Resume Builder

The Teal AI Resume Builder is a free online tool that uses AI technology to create, edit, and optimize resumes, allowing users to import their LinkedIn profile or existing resume and tailor each resume to fit a specific job description, ultimately making it quick and easy to create an optimized resume

No Code

Nanonets is an AI-powered platform that extracts valuable information from unstructured data, automates complex business processes, and equips teams with the tools they need to make faster, more informed decisions.
