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AI Tools catalog


65 tools found


ETHIACK is an autonomous ethical hacking platform that provides real-time monitoring, comprehensive testing, and strategic insights to uphold the integrity of digital assets and prioritize actions in the face of intensive cybersecurity risks

Text To Speech
Resoundly is a platform that allows users to create podcasts using text-to-speech technology with various accents and languages, and it also provides podcast hosting and analytics


Telescope is a software development company based in Los Angeles, California, with 51-200 employees, and it is also an instrument that allows people to see distant objects, important in astronomy

Jungle AI

Jungle AI is an AI technology company that applies artificial intelligence to improve the performance of machinery, including renewable energy sources, and offers an AI-powered asset management app called Canopy, which uses historical data to predict component failures and identify poor performance

Search Engine
Komo Search is an AI-powered search engine that prioritizes user search journeys, offering an interactive and personalized search experience that utilizes advanced search algorithms and machine learning techniques to deliver accurate, fast, and delightful search results.

Promptpal is a platform that provides a variety of prompts, GPTs, and bots for AI, including GPT-4 and DALL-E.

Noa Coach Ai

Noa Coach is an online coaching platform that offers customizable neuroscience-backed resources for corporate wellbeing strategies.

Human Resources

Enboarder is a human connection platform that aims to increase retention, alignment, and engagement at every stage of the employee lifecycle by creating meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging and value among co-workers

Website Builders
Promo AI helps businesses create stunning newsletters with a proprietary algorithm that selects content to entice readers, considering factors such as content popularity, historical performance, theme, and sentiment.
