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AI Tools catalog


73 tools found


Copilot2trip is a free AI-powered personal travel assistant that offers instant itineraries, real-time re-planning, and adaptive travel experiences, aiming to simplify and enhance the travel planning process

Human Resources

Trickle is an AI-powered platform that helps users capture and organize their screenshots, providing a summary for easy digestion and retrieval of stored memories.


Highcharts GPT is a free tool powered by ChatGPT that allows users to create real charts in any language with simple prompts, but it has limitations in terms of accuracy and rendering capabilities, and requires a Highcharts commercial license to publish generated charts.

Search Engine
Komo Search is an AI-powered search engine that prioritizes user search journeys, offering an interactive and personalized search experience that utilizes advanced search algorithms and machine learning techniques to deliver accurate, fast, and delightful search results.

Content Creation
Localy AI is an AI content generator that offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, including AI voice over, AI-generated images, speech-to-text conversion, and AI code generation, catering to developers, copywriters, podcasters, and course creators

Assistant Code
Codesquire AI is an AI code writing assistant for data scientists, engineers, and analysts, offering code completions and suggestions as you type

Life Assistants
Facial Assessment Tool

The QOVES Facial Assessment Tool offers a detailed analysis of facial characteristics, including predicted race and age, skin health, and dermatological skin scale, based on 35,000 images and 112 parameters, catering to 7 different races and various skin-related characteristics

Amazing AI

Sindre Sorhus is a full-time open-sourcerer and aspiring rebel who is known for his work on various apps and code projects.

Websites & Design
Canva AI

Canva is a visual suite that allows users to design, collaborate, create presentations, and edit videos, with a free app available for download.
