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AI Tools catalog


58 tools found

No Code
Drafter AI

Drafter AI is an all-in-one AI platform that allows businesses to combine various AI technologies into single apps, enabling the effortless creation of AI-powered tools and features without the need for coding expertise

Web Scraping

MrScraper AI is a powerful web scraping tool that automates the process of extracting data from websites, handling proxies, and navigating through paginated pages, all without manual intervention

Art Generator

NeutronField is a platform founded in 2022 that enables artists and designers to share and monetize their AI art through AI text-to-image prompts, aiming to democratize AI art and empower creators

Social Networks

MagicBrief is a platform that allows users to source ad inspiration, view competitor insights, and create winning ads by curating a large collection of successful ads from Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, as well as providing tools for ad analysis and creation


Ajelix is a platform that offers a variety of AI Excel tools and data visualization solutions, including an AI Excel formula generator, a data visualization tool called Ajelix BI, and more than 20 AI tools for spreadsheets.


Supernormal is an AI-powered tool that helps users take meeting notes, format them automatically, and integrate with existing tools for better organization and productivity.

Website Builders is a free visual sitemap generator that uses artificial intelligence to create the visual structure of a website, which serves as an important starting point for further development.

CustomWritings AI Essay Writer offers an AI essay writer tool that generates essays on any topic, provides MLA and APA formatting styles, and can cover all your needs, including fighting writer's block and generating innovative ideas.


Brainfish is an advanced AI technology that helps customers self-answer questions, provides real-time insights, and reduces inbound ticket volume for support teams by learning and delivering accurate, relevant answers.
