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AI Tools catalog


108 tools found


Ortto is a marketing automation and analytics platform that helps businesses optimize their customer data and automate their marketing campaigns.

Life Assistants
Facial Assessment Tool

The QOVES Facial Assessment Tool offers a detailed analysis of facial characteristics, including predicted race and age, skin health, and dermatological skin scale, based on 35,000 images and 112 parameters, catering to 7 different races and various skin-related characteristics

Study Squeeze

StudySqueeze is a platform that uses AI to create flashcards, summaries, diagrams, and more, allowing users to streamline note-taking and transform learning materials into various formats

Noa Coach Ai

Noa Coach is an online coaching platform that offers customizable neuroscience-backed resources for corporate wellbeing strategies.

Developer Tools
One AI

OneAI is an AI company that offers Generative AI API and NLP-as-a-service, providing language models for fact-checking, language analytics, and data security

Storytelling Generator
StoryWizard is an AI-powered platform that allows users to create personalized educational experiences and stories, making it especially beneficial for students, including those with special needs.

Night Cafe

NightCafe Studio is a creative platform that offers a variety of digital art, including 3D models, textures, and animations, for use in various projects and applications.

Storytelling Generator
Novel is a website that provides a dedicated and powerful toolset for professionals to tell their story.

Productivity is a Work OS platform that helps teams manage their work and projects more efficiently, enabling them to launch products and expand into new markets faster.
