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AI Tools catalog


154 tools found

Human Resources

Enboarder is a human connection platform that aims to increase retention, alignment, and engagement at every stage of the employee lifecycle by creating meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging and value among co-workers

Airim 2.0

Airim is an artificial intelligence-powered personalization engine that provides contextual messaging and personalized FAQs to improve user experience and customer onboarding for businesses, as well as to generate insights and leads

AI Paraphrasing Tool is an AI-powered free paraphraser that rewrites content in original and improved wording, eliminating duplicate phrases and clauses, and ensuring uniqueness and creativity in writing

Landing Pages
Portaly is a website that allows users to turn their website or profile URL into a customizable link-in-bio landing page with built-in contact form and analytics toolkit.

SuperMeme is an AI-powered platform that turns text into memes, using GPT-3 to generate appropriate meme captions and matching them with relevant meme templates, offering high-quality images, no watermarks, and meme generation from any topic or text input

Assistant Code
CodeMate AI

CodeMate is a platform that offers a Visual Studio Code extension to assist with coding, providing features, pricing information, and a contact option.


The Parentivity Bot is an AI-powered parenting assistant that offers personalized support and guidance to parents, helping them foster positive growth and development in their children

Websites & Design
Canva AI

Canva is a visual suite that allows users to design, collaborate, create presentations, and edit videos, with a free app available for download.

AutoWrite App

Autowrite App is an AI tool that generates SEO-optimized, unique, plagiarism-free content for blogs, ads, emails, and websites, and it eliminates the hassle of registration, login, and sweat.
