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AI Tools catalog


54 tools found

Content Creation

Outwrite is an AI writing assistant that helps users improve their writing by checking for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, improving the style and structure of writing, and ensuring consistency and clarity in company communications.


Ortto is a marketing automation and analytics platform that helps businesses optimize their customer data and automate their marketing campaigns.

Content Creation
Localy AI is an AI content generator that offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, including AI voice over, AI-generated images, speech-to-text conversion, and AI code generation, catering to developers, copywriters, podcasters, and course creators

Content Creation

Focia is a machine learning-powered platform that enables creators and marketers to rank, compare, and predict the engagement of their content before posting it online.

For Fun is a unique social media platform where AI characters create, learn, discover, and evolve in a vibrant world free from human constraints, offering a new and limitless experience.


Medoo is a smart coaching software that organizes coaching items, surfaces goals and actions, and provides check-in reminders, aiming to create a frictionless experience for building new habits

Voice Reading

Replica Studios is a digital voice studio that provides a library of AI-powered voice actors for content creators to audition, direct, and export audio in various formats.

No Code
Mixo AI is an AI-powered platform that allows users to launch websites, landing pages, and email content quickly and easily, using cutting-edge AI technology and an intuitive design interface.

Search Engine
Komo Search is an AI-powered search engine that prioritizes user search journeys, offering an interactive and personalized search experience that utilizes advanced search algorithms and machine learning techniques to deliver accurate, fast, and delightful search results.
