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AI Tools catalog


54 tools found

Verbalate AI

Verbalate™ is a software as a service (SaaS) product provided by Verbalate Pty Ltd, an Australian business, offering video translation, voice clone, and lip sync software, with a focus on data protection and privacy.

Noa Coach Ai

Noa Coach is an online coaching platform that offers customizable neuroscience-backed resources for corporate wellbeing strategies.

Smartwriter is an AI-powered platform that helps users create personalized and hyper-personalized messages for cold emails, saving time and providing unique data points about customers

Project Management

Tability is a platform that integrates with OpenAI's GPT-3 and GPT-4 to help users set measurable goals and create OKR plans, allowing for quick and automated generation of action items and check-ins.

Study Squeeze

StudySqueeze is a platform that uses AI to create flashcards, summaries, diagrams, and more, allowing users to streamline note-taking and transform learning materials into various formats

Social Networks
Engage AI

Engage AI Pro Subscription offers unlimited comment generations, access to premium features, and priority customer support for $30/month, with a $60 discount available, and also includes a giveaway for 10 lucky winners to claim 2 years worth of unlimited usage and access to additional premium features.


Userdoc is a powerful requirements management system that helps teams create, store, and utilize user personas throughout the product development process, ultimately leading to a more successful product that meets and exceeds user expectations

Presto AI

Presto is an A.I.-driven automation solution for drive-thru restaurants, with over 277,000 products deployed, offering labor cost savings and revenue increase, and it is also an open source, distributed SQL query engine designed for fast analytic queries against data of any size, used by large organizations such as Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix

Search Engine
Komo Search is an AI-powered search engine that prioritizes user search journeys, offering an interactive and personalized search experience that utilizes advanced search algorithms and machine learning techniques to deliver accurate, fast, and delightful search results.
