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AI Tools catalog


144 tools found

Human Resources

Trickle is an AI-powered platform that helps users capture and organize their screenshots, providing a summary for easy digestion and retrieval of stored memories.


Mayday is an AI-assisted calendar, task manager, and scheduling assistant for Mac, iOS, and iPad, designed to help users organize, protect, and manage their day by combining scheduling preferences and patterns with best practices around productivity

Cognosys is a web-based AI platform that offers features such as filtering top tech stories, delivering unbiased research reports, and integrating communication and work channels

Vanity AI

Vanity AI is the world's first end-to-end AI solution for Hollywood VFX, providing a production-ready solution that empowers VFX teams and Hollywood to deliver large volumes of high-end 2D aging, de-aging, cosmetic, wig, and prosthetic fixes up to 300 times faster than traditional VFX pipelines, significantly more cost effective, and with no capacity constraints.

Artificial Intelligence
Jackrabbit Ops

Jackrabbit Ops is an AI-driven platform that responds to leads, books meetings, and helps businesses identify potential customers, aiming to improve sales efficiency and customer engagement.


Telescope is a software development company based in Los Angeles, California, with 51-200 employees, and it is also an instrument that allows people to see distant objects, important in astronomy

Smartwriter is an AI-powered platform that helps users create personalized and hyper-personalized messages for cold emails, saving time and providing unique data points about customers


Unbounce is a platform that provides tools and resources to create high-converting landing pages, helping businesses grow their online presence and optimize their marketing campaigns

Websites & Design
Canva AI

Canva is a visual suite that allows users to design, collaborate, create presentations, and edit videos, with a free app available for download.
