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AI Tools catalog


60 tools found

Storytelling Generator

Oscar Stories is an app that generates personalized bedtime stories for children, featuring them as the main characters and embedding important life lessons into the stories.

Ai Detection
AICheatCheck is a website that provides a demo for users to test the functionality of their AI-powered checker tool.

Project Management

Tability is a platform that integrates with OpenAI's GPT-3 and GPT-4 to help users set measurable goals and create OKR plans, allowing for quick and automated generation of action items and check-ins.

Voice Reading

Replica Studios is a digital voice studio that provides a library of AI-powered voice actors for content creators to audition, direct, and export audio in various formats.

Social Networks

MagicBrief is a platform that allows users to source ad inspiration, view competitor insights, and create winning ads by curating a large collection of successful ads from Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, as well as providing tools for ad analysis and creation

Study Squeeze

StudySqueeze is a platform that uses AI to create flashcards, summaries, diagrams, and more, allowing users to streamline note-taking and transform learning materials into various formats


Supernormal is an AI-powered tool that helps users take meeting notes, format them automatically, and integrate with existing tools for better organization and productivity.


QuantPlus is an AI-driven platform that analyzes trillions of ad creatives from major platforms like Facebook and Google to provide rich creative insights for advertising, benefiting marketers and creative teams

Legal Assistants
Law Support

Law Support is an Australian legal software company that provides matter management software for legal practices, including document creation, court forms, compliance with Australian templates, and streamlined query creation tools.
