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AI Tools catalog


1135 tools found

Assistant Code

Buildt is an AI tool designed to help developers search and comprehend large codebases by focusing on what the code does, using languages such as JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and more.

Ask Poppy

Poppylist is a website that offers a free texting bot called Ask Poppy, powered by OpenAI, to answer pregnancy/baby related questions and provides an extended family-like community that helps parents stay up to date with the latest news, product recalls, and exclusive promotions.

Email is an email communication platform that organizes messages into conversations, blocks unknown trackers, and allows users to approve, unsubscribe, or block new contacts, with features such as auto-responding, message undo, and GIF support

Assistant Code
Code Autopilot

CodeAutopilot is an AI software development team that listens to repository issues and provides proposed solutions, cutting down troubleshooting time and ensuring code quality.

Social Networks
Instagram Caption Generator

The Instasize Instagram Captions Generator is a tool that uses AI and creativity to help users easily create engaging and relevant captions for their Instagram posts.

SEO Assist

SEO Assist is a productivity tool that helps with SEO tasks such as creating content, generating blog topics, and tracking SEO progress, making it easier to optimize for search engines

Human Resources

Aisera is an AI platform that offers a one-stop solution across IT, HR, and store support, providing AI copilot, AiseraGPT, and AI customer service tools to automate and improve customer self-service, with features such as advanced chatbots and customer service automation, leading to significant cost savings and increased productivity

Ai Detection

Copyleaks is an AI-based platform that offers text analysis to detect potential plagiarism, AI-generated content, and copyright infringement in over 100 languages, with a focus on data security and privacy

Ai Detection

GPTZero is an AI detector that provides granular detail to observe AI usage across institutions and guide policies for promoting innovative and healthy use of AI.
