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AI Tools catalog


187 tools found

Artificial Intelligence
Molin AI

Molin AI is an advanced AI language model that solves complex problems and provides more accurate answers than any AI chatbot on the market, integrates into all of the e-commerce platforms and any other types of websites, and can detect and resolve issues in 95 languages.

Zazzani AI

Zazzani AI is a revolutionary AI product that accelerates workflow and productivity, enabling users to create articles, art, code, and find answers to their questions with ease


Paddle is a payment infrastructure and merchant of record for SaaS companies, handling billing, payments, tax, and subscription management for over 4,000 customers, and processing millions of transactions

Saga AI

Saga AI is an AI-powered workspace that allows users to create new content, brainstorm ideas, translate, check grammar, and rewrite text in just a few clicks, and it uses the most advanced available large language models developed by providers such as OpenAI and Anthropic.

Content Creation

EZAI App is a powerful AI content creation tool that streamlines the content creation process, allowing users to generate high-quality, AI-powered copy tailored to their specific needs

Human Resources

iApply Limited is an AI-based career finder and smart job portal that uses artificial intelligence to match candidates with suitable job opportunities.

On Target AI

On Target AI helps businesses create high-converting copy for their ads, emails, and landing pages by analyzing customer language data and generating the Voice of Customer Report


GooseAI is a platform that aims to reduce the cost of AI infrastructure

Legal Assistants

Nalanda Technology provides legal organizations with Nalytics, an AI-powered software that automates routine search, discovery, and analytical tasks, saving time and resources, and improving client experience.
