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AI Tools catalog


30 tools found

There’s An AI For That is an AI aggregator offering tools like ExplainThis for summarizing web content, Socratic Science for science tutoring, and WTF Does This Company Do? for copywriting assistance


MeetGeek is an AI meeting assistant that automatically records, transcribes, and summarizes meetings, providing key insights and allowing for optional attendance and increased productivity.

Artificial Intelligence

Clariteia's landing page offers GenAI powered product planning, allowing users to explore roadmaps organized by features or epics and generate implementation details for development with just a click.

StoryBeat AI

Storybeat is an all-in-one image editing app that offers fresh templates and filters, making it easy to create professional-looking content quickly and efficiently

Keytrends AI

KeyTrends is a content marketing tool that simplifies and unifies all phases of your content strategy, allowing you to monitor the real-time evolution of search trends to optimize your content in just a few minutes, and it also offers data-driven AI to create AI content for people.

Developer Tools

Nuclia is an API that allows developers to build AI-powered search engines in minutes, with features such as data processing, search, and indexing, and it is used by universities and companies to solve discoverability problems and comply with legal regulations.

Whispr is a platform that enables users to have human-like conversations with AI technology, providing assistance with various tasks and answering questions

Basmo Chatbook

Basmo is an app that helps you achieve your reading goals by tracking your progress, analyzing your reading habits, and providing insightful statistics about your reading speed, frequency of reading sessions, and emotional state while reading. It also allows you to set reading goals, create a reading schedule, and keep a reading journal to improve your reading experience


LogMeal is a company specializing in food recognition and image analysis, with a focus on developing Deep Learning algorithms and providing solutions for various industries, including healthcare and retail.
