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AI Tools catalog


194 tools found


K8sGPT is a tool that scans and diagnoses Kubernetes clusters, providing simple English explanations and AI-enhanced analysis


RocketAI is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses increase sales and productivity by generating visuals, copy, and social media posts tailored to their brand.

Content Creation

Chopcast is a content repurposing platform that uses NLP to automatically create clips, subtitling, and transcripts from webinars, video podcasts, and other long-form videos, offering a free-to-use AI platform and paid plans with monthly minute bundles per user

Legal Assistants
LawMate AI

LawMate is an AI legal assistant that offers cost-effective and anonymous legal advice, simplifies legal jargon, and complies with international data protection standards.

Customer Support

DigitalGenius is a code-free customer experience platform for ecommerce and retail, powered by artificial intelligence, offering seamless customer experiences and efficient ticket handling

Content Creation

ProWritingAid is an AI writing assistant that offers tools to enhance writing, identify strengths and weaknesses, and provide custom suggestions for improvement, helping over 2 million people become better storytellers since its founding in 2012 in London.

Files & Spreadsheets

Luminal is a platform that offers AI-powered assistance to clean, transform, and analyze spreadsheets at a much faster rate.

Corrector App

Corrector App is a grammar and spelling tool that helps users improve their written English skills by identifying and correcting mistakes, providing contextual grammar checks, and offering smart recommendations for better sentence structure and word choice

Saga AI

Saga AI is an AI-powered workspace that allows users to create new content, brainstorm ideas, translate, check grammar, and rewrite text in just a few clicks, and it uses the most advanced available large language models developed by providers such as OpenAI and Anthropic.
