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AI Tools catalog


180 tools found


SourceAI is an AI-powered code generator that allows users to easily generate code in any programming language, featuring a clear and intuitive interface and powered by advanced AI technology such as GPT-3 and Codex

Human Resources

Totara is a learning and performance management system (LMS) that offers an agile performance management approach and is provided as a commercial open source service

Developer Tools
Bloop AI is a fast code search engine that helps developers understand and navigate their codebases more efficiently by providing natural language search capabilities and semantic code analysis


AIVA is an AI music composition platform that offers 300 downloads per month, supports various file formats, and allows the creation of high-quality WAV files.

Corrector App

Corrector App is a grammar and spelling tool that helps users improve their written English skills by identifying and correcting mistakes, providing contextual grammar checks, and offering smart recommendations for better sentence structure and word choice

Language Learning

LanguageMate is a language learning platform that uses advanced natural language processing algorithms to provide accurate corrections and feedback on language skills, offers guided and unguided scenarios to help internalize a wide range of vocabulary and grammar, and boasts an extensive range of material spanning from beginner to fluent and complex levels.

Social Networks
Commenter AI is a website that likely provides a service related to commenting, but specific details are not available due to the need for JavaScript to access the site

Academics is a new writing tool that provides a blank page for writers to start their creativity with simplicity, clarity, and freedom, and encourages them to write the truest sentence they know.

My AskAI

MyAskAI is a website that allows users to create their own AI customer support assistant.
