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AI Tools catalog


189 tools found

Websites & Design
Pineapple Builder

Pineapple Builder is an AI website builder that allows businesses to create customized websites with features such as blog, newsletter, and payments in under 5 minutes.

ReviewScout AI is an all-in-one solution for Amazon sellers that offers personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and AI-driven research capabilities to help sellers master their inventory and restocking demands, maximize their advertising efforts, and uncover hidden market opportunities.

Art Generator

Boords is an online storyboarding software that offers an easy-to-use interface with thoughtful features to plan creative projects, including the ability to add unlimited custom note fields and predefined camera movement indicators, and all content uploaded or created within Boords is completely hidden from everyone unless shared.


Magicflow is a productivity tracker that uses AI to help you focus, figure out how your sleep and exercise habits affect your productivity, and track how much time you spend in all your apps.

Clippy for your website

Clippy is a helpful and familiar friend for website visitors, offering assistance with various tasks and providing useful hints to improve the user experience

Audio Diary

Audio Diary is an intelligent voice diary that uses AI to help you capture moments, practice gratitude, and achieve goals, prioritizing security, simplicity, and success.

Life Assistants
AiPassportPhotos is a platform that allows users to create and edit passport photos online, offering various formats and sizes to suit different needs and requirements

Text Generators is a platform that enables the automatic building of content clusters

Legal Assistants

Nalanda Technology provides legal organizations with Nalytics, an AI-powered software that automates routine search, discovery, and analytical tasks, saving time and resources, and improving client experience.
