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AI Tools catalog


86 tools found

Life Assistants
Roast Dating

Roast Dating is a dating app that matches users based on their sense of humor and allows them to connect through video chats.

Eden AI

Eden AI is a platform that provides a unique API connected to the best AI engines, offering access to many generative AI APIs, machine translation engines, text analysis and NLP engines, and image analysis technologies.

GetResponse Email Generator

GetResponse's AI Email Generator uses innovative GPT-3.5 technology to create engaging emails in record time, tailored to industry trends and specific keywords, leading to a significant decrease in email creation time for users.

Sharly AI

Sharly AI is an advanced tool that uses AI to summarize content from various formats, making it ideal for professionals dealing with lengthy documents and audio recordings, enhancing efficiency and productivity

Human Resources
Wave AI

Wave AI offers high-end coaching for managers and executives, providing confidential support and tailored-fit coaching experiences to help individuals reach their professional goals


Cordial est un outil de correction d'orthographe et de grammaire en français, gratuit et facile à utiliser


MowaAI is an AI data analyst that aims to simplify data analysis and elevate the level of data literacy within organizations.


Abyssale is a platform that claims to increase creative asset production speed by 10x, allowing for autonomous and seamless resizing of designs across multiple templates.

Leanbe AI

Leanbe is a product management platform designed for data-driven teams, offering practical solutions to inform users of new features and streamline the development process
