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AI Tools catalog


68 tools found

Mistral AI

Mistral AI is a French company founded in April 2023 by researchers from Meta and Google, specializing in open-source, powerful AI models with a focus on efficiency and innovation, having raised over $400 million in funding and attained a valuation of more than $2 billion by December 2023.

Presto AI

Presto is an A.I.-driven automation solution for drive-thru restaurants, with over 277,000 products deployed, offering labor cost savings and revenue increase, and it is also an open source, distributed SQL query engine designed for fast analytic queries against data of any size, used by large organizations such as Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix

Image is a platform with 21+ color filters where users can upload their photos, choose a unique filter, and see their images in realistic and vibrant colors.

Gladia is a platform offering a Speech-to-Text API and provides the latest news, product updates, and curated AI content.

Eden AI

Eden AI is a platform that provides a unique API connected to the best AI engines, offering access to many generative AI APIs, machine translation engines, text analysis and NLP engines, and image analysis technologies.


Flippit is an AI-powered platform that enables creators to build interactive avatars and stream live content, offering unique personalities and engaging experiences for virtual environments

SEOmatic AI

SEOmatic is a platform that offers programmatic SEO and AI tools to automate and scale marketing, including features such as creating SEO-friendly pages, importing datasets, generating content, and publishing pages on CMS or hosting them with SEOmatic

B-cube AI is an AI-driven trading platform that offers premium quality tools and content for crypto trading, leveraging AI to empower humans and providing a blockchain-based ecosystem

Task Management
Taskheat AI Assistant

Taskheat is a visual task management app available for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, allowing users to create flowcharts to visualize and manage task dependencies, with an AI Assistant feature and a free trial period
