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AI Tools catalog


121 tools found

Leanbe AI

Leanbe is a product management platform designed for data-driven teams, offering practical solutions to inform users of new features and streamline the development process

Study Squeeze

StudySqueeze is a platform that uses AI to create flashcards, summaries, diagrams, and more, allowing users to streamline note-taking and transform learning materials into various formats

Deciphr AI is a platform that automates podcast content workflow, providing a full written and multimedia content suite in less than 7 minutes, effortless editing, AI assistance, and seamless sharing.


Workist is a Berlin-based tech startup that uses AI to automate document processing, enabling seamless integration and automated information exchange, with a focus on reducing the time and cost of order processing

Human Resources
Spoke AI is an AI-powered inbox that summarizes conversations and notifications from various sources, including Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Gmail, to help users prioritize and take action on the most important topics.

Human Resources
Cover Letter AI

Cover Letter AI is a platform that uses AI to generate personalized cover letters based on user-set parameters and information from their CV, making the process of writing cover letters much easier and more efficient


Levity is a no-code AI workflow automation platform that is committed to safeguarding data, conducting annual privacy and security audits, and providing valuable insights through analysis without sharing data with third parties

Computer Vision

Siwalu Software is a company that develops AI-based image recognition apps, including Dog Scanner, which can identify dog breeds within seconds.

Media & Entertainment

Neuroflash is a German-based company that specializes in the development of AI-driven content creation software, founded in 2021 by a team of experts in neuropsychology, data sciences, and artificial intelligence, that assists businesses in producing more engaging content.
