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AI Tools catalog


53 tools found

Hemingway App

Hemingway Editor is a classic desktop app that allows users to save and load files offline, with no AI integration

No Code

Mutiny is a web personalization platform that uses AI to help B2B companies target and convert more buyers on their website by identifying visitors by their industry, company size, funnel stage, advertising campaign, and web activity, and providing a visual editor to change anything on the website or add a modal.

Social Networks

VidIQ is a platform designed to boost YouTube views and subscribers, offering insights, guidance, and AI-powered tools to help manage keywords, audit video performance, and research winning content in a specific niche

Synthesis Tutor

Synthesis Tutor is an educational AI program that uses advanced teaching techniques and AI to show children they can learn anything, focusing on concepts and strategy, and is built on decades of DARPA research, proving to be more effective than traditional schooling

Legal Assistants

LegalSifter is an AI-based company that provides affordable legal services to the world by combining artificial and human intelligence to cure contract pain before and after signing.

Voice Reading
TTS Reader

TTSReader is an online Text-to-Speech (TTS) reader that can read out loud webpages in two different ways, using the regular player or the Chrome extension, and can be used for unlimited use cases with support for multiple languages.

Productivity is a music streaming service that offers functional music designed to enhance focus and productivity by influencing brainwaves, supported by scientific research and testing with hundreds of participants.


TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning platform that allows users to create, train, and deploy machine learning models for a wide range of applications and skill levels.


Intellimize is an AI-driven website optimization platform that offers personalized website experiences for any marketing campaign, including A/B testing, rules-based personalization, and generative AI copy suggestions.
