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AI Tools catalog


20 tools found

Cutout Pro

Cutout.Pro is an AI photo editing and visual content generation platform that leverages artificial intelligence and computer vision to enhance images and videos, offering products for both individual and business use

Life Assistants
AiPassportPhotos is a platform that allows users to create and edit passport photos online, offering various formats and sizes to suit different needs and requirements


Myth.Ai is a technology company that specializes in AI-powered printing pattern design technology, offering a web-based design tool that allows anyone to create professional designs in just a few clicks.

Human Resources

Talkpush is a recruitment platform that offers automated recruiting software and integrates with leading ATSes, providing tailor-made solutions for various needs.

Zeemo AI

Zeemo is an AI-powered tool that can quickly and automatically add accurate captions and subtitles to videos, catering to a wide range of languages and offering a user-friendly experience for both professionals and beginners

Text To Speech
Voiser offers AI-powered speech-to-text and text-to-speech services in over 70 languages, including transcription of YouTube content, voice cloning, and a speaking website feature, revolutionizing workflow and content creation

Artificial Intelligence
AI Savant

Petibble's AI Savant, Animal AI Detective, uses artificial intelligence to determine which animal aligns with your traits and characteristics and generates an image of the most similar animal.


GeniePM is a powerful project management tool that uses AI technology to create precise user stories, use cases, and more for your projects, seamlessly integrating with platforms like JIRA, Azure DevOps, Notion, and ClickUp to expand your project's potential


ImgLarger is an online tool that uses AI technology to enhance and enlarge images up to 800% without losing quality, with a maximum image size of 1MB or 1200px.
