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AI Tools catalog


179 tools found

Sense 2.0 AI is a comprehensive tool that gathers and organizes information from various sources, providing an instant overview and simplifying information management for individuals and teams.


Scholarcy is an online summarizing tool that helps users quickly assess the importance of research articles, reports, and book chapters by breaking them down into bite-sized sections, saving time and effort.

Flawless AI

Flawless AI is a filmmaking tool that uses DeepEditor to create new dialogue and avoid the costs of physically filmed reshoots, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into film production, localization, and distribution workflows.


Colossyan is an AI video generator that allows users to quickly create custom learning modules and studio-quality videos with a range of AI avatars and accents, saving time and enhancing the online teaching and learning experience.

Audio Diary

Audio Diary is an intelligent voice diary that uses AI to help you capture moments, practice gratitude, and achieve goals, prioritizing security, simplicity, and success.

Life Assistants
Sports Prediction AI

Sports Prediction AI is an AI tool that uses the latest AI technology to analyze and process data from various sources to generate accurate predictions for premier sports events around the globe, providing users with investment advice service to make informed decisions on their sports investments.

Artificial Intelligence
Molin AI

Molin AI is an advanced AI language model that solves complex problems and provides more accurate answers than any AI chatbot on the market, integrates into all of the e-commerce platforms and any other types of websites, and can detect and resolve issues in 95 languages.

3D model
Anything World is a website that allows users to create and explore virtual worlds, share content, and connect with others.

Salespitch is an AI-powered platform that automates the creation and sending of personalized sales emails, boasting high-conversion rates, perfect tone, and grammar, and integration with current sales systems, suitable for various businesses and marketing agencies.
