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AI Tools catalog


60 tools found

Night Cafe

NightCafe Studio is a creative platform that offers a variety of digital art, including 3D models, textures, and animations, for use in various projects and applications.

Life Assistants
Facial Assessment Tool

The QOVES Facial Assessment Tool offers a detailed analysis of facial characteristics, including predicted race and age, skin health, and dermatological skin scale, based on 35,000 images and 112 parameters, catering to 7 different races and various skin-related characteristics

Machine Learning
Pi Exchange

Pi Network is a cryptocurrency project that allows users to mine and trade the Pi coin, which as of April 2023, is not listed on any exchange and has no economic value

Voice Reading

Replica Studios is a digital voice studio that provides a library of AI-powered voice actors for content creators to audition, direct, and export audio in various formats.

Study Squeeze

StudySqueeze is a platform that uses AI to create flashcards, summaries, diagrams, and more, allowing users to streamline note-taking and transform learning materials into various formats

Deciphr AI is a platform that automates podcast content workflow, providing a full written and multimedia content suite in less than 7 minutes, effortless editing, AI assistance, and seamless sharing.

Human Resources

Trickle is an AI-powered platform that helps users capture and organize their screenshots, providing a summary for easy digestion and retrieval of stored memories.

Text To Speech
Resoundly is a platform that allows users to create podcasts using text-to-speech technology with various accents and languages, and it also provides podcast hosting and analytics

Framedrop is a free AI-powered tool that helps streamers discover and edit their best plays in seconds, allowing them to effortlessly enhance and share their top plays on social media platforms.
