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AI Tools catalog


56 tools found

Study Squeeze

StudySqueeze is a platform that uses AI to create flashcards, summaries, diagrams, and more, allowing users to streamline note-taking and transform learning materials into various formats

Legal Assistants
Law Support

Law Support is an Australian legal software company that provides matter management software for legal practices, including document creation, court forms, compliance with Australian templates, and streamlined query creation tools.

Content Creation

Outwrite is an AI writing assistant that helps users improve their writing by checking for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, improving the style and structure of writing, and ensuring consistency and clarity in company communications.

Amazing is an artificial intelligence platform that offers real-time sports analytics by analyzing footage of sports events for any sport, including player tracking, ball tracking, and match events such as goals, assists, shot on goals, passing patterns, and team formations.

Deciphr AI is a platform that automates podcast content workflow, providing a full written and multimedia content suite in less than 7 minutes, effortless editing, AI assistance, and seamless sharing.

Life Assistants
Facial Assessment Tool

The QOVES Facial Assessment Tool offers a detailed analysis of facial characteristics, including predicted race and age, skin health, and dermatological skin scale, based on 35,000 images and 112 parameters, catering to 7 different races and various skin-related characteristics


Minerva is an AI-powered personal research assistant showcased on AcademicID.

No Code
Mixo AI is an AI-powered platform that allows users to launch websites, landing pages, and email content quickly and easily, using cutting-edge AI technology and an intuitive design interface.

Project Management

Tability is a platform that integrates with OpenAI's GPT-3 and GPT-4 to help users set measurable goals and create OKR plans, allowing for quick and automated generation of action items and check-ins.
