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AI Tools catalog


61 tools found

Machine Learning
Pi Exchange

Pi Network is a cryptocurrency project that allows users to mine and trade the Pi coin, which as of April 2023, is not listed on any exchange and has no economic value

Storytelling Generator

Oscar Stories is an app that generates personalized bedtime stories for children, featuring them as the main characters and embedding important life lessons into the stories.


Userdoc is a powerful requirements management system that helps teams create, store, and utilize user personas throughout the product development process, ultimately leading to a more successful product that meets and exceeds user expectations

Smartwriter is an AI-powered platform that helps users create personalized and hyper-personalized messages for cold emails, saving time and providing unique data points about customers

Ai Detection
AICheatCheck is a website that provides a demo for users to test the functionality of their AI-powered checker tool.

Social Networks
Engage AI

Engage AI Pro Subscription offers unlimited comment generations, access to premium features, and priority customer support for $30/month, with a $60 discount available, and also includes a giveaway for 10 lucky winners to claim 2 years worth of unlimited usage and access to additional premium features.

Study Squeeze

StudySqueeze is a platform that uses AI to create flashcards, summaries, diagrams, and more, allowing users to streamline note-taking and transform learning materials into various formats

Coursebox is an AI-powered platform that helps users create engaging online courses quickly and easily.

Content Creation

Focia is a machine learning-powered platform that enables creators and marketers to rank, compare, and predict the engagement of their content before posting it online.
