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AI Tools catalog


232 tools found

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Quickchat AI

Quickchat AI is a platform that offers a customized AI assistant for businesses, with features such as ease of building the Knowledge Base, user-friendly interface, multilingual abilities, and responsive customer support, as well as the ability to structure knowledge bases for AI and explain GPT tokens

Mindwell AI

MindwellAI is an innovative mental health app that utilizes science-backed tools and AI-driven support to provide personalized guidance in managing anxiety and other mental health issues.

Website Builders is a platform that uses an AI engine to generate a business plan in just a few minutes, providing access to the same tools experts use, and offering a complete set of tools and resources needed to succeed, including a free plan.

Developer Tools
AppAppIcons AI is a website that allows users to create AI-generated app icons for Android and iOS platforms in a matter of minutes without requiring any image editing software or technical skills.

Role Model AI

Role Model AI is an everything game where avatars come to life with extraordinary abilities, offering a gaming adventure with limitless possibilities.

Assistant Code

What The Diff is an AI-powered app that automatically writes pull request descriptions, sends out summarized notifications to keep non-technical stakeholders in the loop, and helps you to refactor minor issues during the review.

For Fun

ChuckGPT AI is an AI platform that allows users to create memes on any topic with the click of a button and offers rewards for popular authors

Legal Assistants
Detangle AI helps users understand legal documents by simplifying and explaining complex language, making it easier to grasp the main points and save time and money on legal matters

Paxo AI

Paxo is an AI-powered app that provides clear, concise, and actionable meeting notes in minutes, purpose-built for in-person conversations
