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AI Tools catalog


393 tools found

Recast AI

Let's Recast is a platform that converts articles into audio summaries, aiming to save time, reduce screen-time, and help users understand and discover interesting stories.

Search Engine

iAsk.Ai is a free AI search engine that provides instant, accurate, and factual answers to user questions, utilizing natural language processing and a large-scale Transformer language-based model, while being trained on reliable and authoritative sources to answer questions objectively and without bias

Rapidreply AI

Rapid Reply is an AI email assistant designed for business owners and executives who receive 20 or more emails a day, integrating with Gmail to save time and improve productivity by automating and streamlining email responses


RoutePerfect is a platform that allows users to plan and book their dream trips with ease, offering a professional travel agent experience and a wide range of itinerary options to choose from.

Eilla AI

Eilla AI is a platform that automates mundane tasks and supports complex decision-making in the M&A, VC, and PE deal workflow, mirroring high-quality industry professionals


FinanceGPT is a platform that harnesses generative AI and financial data to provide customizable financial forecasting, real-time data aggregation, and advanced analytics for investors, financial managers, and accountants.

Artificial Intelligence
Pitchyouridea AI is an AI-powered platform that helps entrepreneurs improve their pitching skills and create professional pitch decks in minutes, using a unique blend of human and artificial intelligence to transform spoken words into visually captivating ideas.

Free AI Pet Portrait Generator – Camlist

Camlist offers a free AI pet portrait generator where users can upload photos of their pets to create multiple styles of portraits, and also provides a platform for rehoming pets with a focus on safety and animal welfare

Academics is a platform that offers AI lesson plans, aiming to engage educators, policymakers, and researchers in discussions and advance their understanding of AI in education
